Sunday, February 17, 2008

Q & A with Laurie Faith

Q. Women are called on to play so many roles in their lives: wives, lovers, daughters, sisters, friends, caretakers, hostesses, and much more. What problems do women run into when they try to be all things to all people? And how can women break from that trap?

A: One of the things I stress in my personal mottoes is that if you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be available to take care of other people. When you’re faced with a long list of responsibilities, prioritizing becomes critical. It’s very important that each woman understand that as a leading lady she cannot become so supportive of the other members of her cast that she forgets her own lines, her own well-being, her own preparation for the play. I'd like to help guide women in the proper ways of nourishing their bodies, minds and spirits... so they recognize the importance of preparing themselves so that the people around them can benefit from their creativity, rather than allowing themselves to become drained by the roles they play. Everything stops on stage if the leading lady is not there, so it’s very important she understand her significance as it relates to the other people with whom she associates.

Q. How did you become involved in the Children's Health Care initiative with Congress?
A. I joined a few online communities for Democrats and republicans in the state of Illinois. IN 2007 I was contacted by the local Kane County Democrats to help reach rep Dennis Hastert and organize Family Awareness demonstrations in the Elgin area to bring awareness to the Children's Healthcare bill. In October, we staged a successful event at the Gail Borden Library and across the Fox River bridge in Elgin, Parents and Children standing together - in a unified movement of awareness. The coverage by the Daily Herald spirited a movement of calls and emials to many State Congressional offices, to make sure the peoples voices were heard, and NOW was the time to pass the bill thru the House and Senate to cover all Children in the United States that need coverage the most.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Get to Know Laurie Faith


As of 07-20-2007 I'm a newly married MRS. to Mr. Tony Aiello …and… a new mom to his wonderful children, James (10) and Alexandria (8). We've recently settled down in Elgin, IL for good and have taken ownership of an 1892 Victorian Home in the Spring-Douglas Historic District. (We are now HUGE fans of This Old House and DIY network)

I met my husband Tony through a common love of supporting the Theatre Arts in Northern Illinois. We became fast friends; he is a talented artistic director and actor at heart, and I… a producer, singer and musical theatre actress. Together in 2004, we formed the Actors for Creative Theatrics Company, to produce live Theatre aimed at Children to impart messages of creativity, morals, education, love and life. A.C.T. also produces Adult comedies and dramas to encourage our community to THINK about the issues at hand for our generation. As our own children get older, it's our hope to incorporate them into the arts so they learn to truly appreciate their God given talents.

Currently our family spends time at the Elgin YMCA dance and swim programs for the kids, PTO meetings, Westride Community Church and volunteering with the local Community Theatre Scene. I also enjoy teaching both kids the basics of Piano, music theory, art and drama.


I grew up with the stories of how my sister Elizabeth Joy succeeded in the Miss Illinois USA Pageant 1986 and watched our wonderful neighbor Debra Wolff win Mrs. West Virginia and Mrs. America 1984... and myself, like many little girls, dreamt of the honor and responsibility of wearing that crown and sash.

One problem, at Age 22 – I was a successful IT consultant, Leader in my Community and Church – but held-down with the heavy burden of Morbid Obesity. I went through my days putting on a show of how smart and strong, funny and successful I was for a young woman – only to come home and neglect myself and my environment. Those burdens let the weight creep on until I was 252 pounds and a size 24. After many unsuccessful diets and drug trials my doctor recommended, with my current poor medical health and family history, that I look into Weight Loss Surgery. I did the research, made the correct choice for me and in February of 2002 I underwent Gastric Bypass with Barix Clinics in Illinois. All I could say was FREEDOM!!! Food was no longer ruling my daily activities, I was more energized, and the pounds seemed to fall back off… finally my body was working the way it was supposed to – with me instead of against me.

I lost 117 pounds in 1 year; I became a speaker for the Weight Loss Support groups and later a model in their national ads. In April 2004, it was at the suggestions of my family and my local support group members that I enter the Miss Illinois USA pageant at age 26, and show that the former ‘fat’ girl got it together. ;-) In November 2004, I placed 13th out of 109 women, and met some lifelong friends in my pageant journey.

Looking back now, I see that the Pageant Systems on the 1980's and 1990's were TV's first real reality series.... Live at the local and state level and then the ultimate stage and spotlight in the national and world-wide audience level.

In 1996, I was proud to sponsor my sister Elizabeth Joy as Mrs. Libertyville in the Mrs. Illinois International Pageant. She was a radiant example to represent positive change for her community in her title reign. She placed as 1st runner up that year but the people she met and worked with during her competition were the real prize.

I hope my Mrs. Illinois United States title will enable me to bring awareness in the community to Childhood Obesity issues and Healthcare assurance. I want my children to have the opportunity to learn the correct nutritional, physical and emotional tools to live a happy and healthy life.


I come from a family of 8 children, 24 nieces and nephews plus lots of extended family... by blood, marriage, friendship and faith. They have always been a great support and source of inspiration as I've grown and evolved into my adult life

My parents, Fred and Laurel Gibson have retired to Woodstock, GA – where my mother owns a successful Music School and leads the Praise Teams for many area churches, as well as serves as an Organist and Lay Minister… (Didn’t I say she was retired?)

My father's strength and personality have always inspired me to get involved in locals causes. Currently he supports the Marine Core Guild and raises awareness for the plight of our troops and their families while abroad. At age 73, he continues to serve as a consultant for the international bedding business and act as a mentor for many.

Recently my 92 year old Grama Ruth relocated from beautiful Durango Colorado to stay with my parents; she has been such an inspirational figure and support while growing up for my mother, my siblings and now my children too.


In October 2006 I served as an activist within our 14th US Congressional District to grant health care for all children in America as a basic right. We received much publicity for our cause even though our president continued to veto the bill. I made many organizer friends, listened to families that have been put through the health-care bureaucracy and volunteered to help find them direction and relief though local state organizations. Eventually, in 2008 president Bush passed a version of the Children’s Health Care Bill into law. Although not perfect, it was a great triumph to finally offer a reasonable coverage options to families that cannot afford to pay private issuers.

I also raise monies and direct internet campaign efforts for UNICEF causes in the USA and bring awareness to the plight of so many children in the world. I was introduced thru the Trick-or-Treat for UniCEF campaign as a child, and hope to further education and inspire the youth of Illinois and our local school districts/churches to aid in carrying on the tradition of this important cause. I am currently renewing my UniCEF volunteer training certification on-line for 2008.

In the last several years, I’ve gotten involved in several youth awareness programs for health and nutrition. It started with my Bariatric Support Group as a Weight loss spokesperson and speaker, and continued on when I became a step-mother to Jimmy, who was suffering with his own Morbid Obesity at age 8.

Connecting with the ACES program and the National Obesity Awareness Foundation, I was able to mentor my step-son and support other parents in our situation to get control over our kid’s health NOW before it’s too late. I’m proud to say he’s gone from 140 pounds and a 40” waist to growing 3 inches taller, weighing 127 pounds and only a 34” waist.

Learning to balance activity, smart food choices and bypassing emotional barriers is increasingly harder for this generation. With more parents and schools working with the many Obesity Awareness foundations out there, I’m sure we can turn around this dangerous trend before it’s too late. Our kids deserve to have the best they can make of themselves, and a secure future is important too.

I was raised a Republican at heart, but since becoming a Mother, Homeowner and real grown-up American… I belong to the and campaigns to ensure a brighter future for my children and my family. As a result, I found a greater platform to bring to light the plight of Childhood Obesity, and ensuring a greater future for this generation... I hope the lessons we instill on this generation now about Nutrition, Exercise, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual health and responsibilities will equip them to be the brightest American generation yet!